Celebrating 21 years delivering clear, impartial and accurate advice on environmental planning for land use and development.
Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd are pleased to have sponsored the report The Conservation Value of Abandoned Pits and Quarries in Cornwall.
Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd are pleased to provide regular detailed expert advice, help and support on a voluntary basis for the Atlantic Coast and Valleys Project. This project aims to provide environmental support for farmers and landowners on the north coast of Cornwall and Devon for sustainable farming geared to biodiversity enhancement for key species associated with short grazed maritime grassland and heathland. The key species include butterflies such as Large Blue and Pearl-bordered Fritillary, moths such as Scarce Blackneck and Black-banded, plants such as Pale-flowered Violet, reptiles such as Adder and Common Lizard, birds such as Blackcap and Chough, and mammals such as Otter. We are working together with statutory agencies, conservation charities and educational establishments to help restore the biodiversity and landscape value of the north Atlantic coast as part of our national heritage. For further information about this project contact Adrian Spalding.