Celebrating 21 years delivering clear, impartial and accurate advice on environmental planning for land use and development.
New director for Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd
Spalding Associates are pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Barnard BSc, MSc, MCIEEM, CEcol as a new director.
Simon joined us direct from the University of Exeter at Tremough, where he was studying for his MSc. He is the third employee to join us from the university. He initially joined us in 2008 during a heathland translocation programme we carried out near Chacewater where he monitored the success of the project as part of his studies. He then joined us on work experience, progressing to full-time employment and has been with us ever since. He lives in Falmouth with his wife Debbie and two small children Arthur and Annabelle.
He has developed our bat survey department into a major part of our business, with projects from small barn conversions to bat mitigation in major historic houses. He also specialises in otters, dormice and barn owls. Simon has had a strong interest in ecology from a young age and has travelled extensively. In addition to this, he also has valuable experience of being actively involved with and managing property renovation projects, including listed buildings.
Director Adrian Spalding said: “Simon brings experience and business skills to the company and will help us to continue to develop our range of services to local and national clients in Cornwall and across the country.”