Celebrating 21 years delivering clear, impartial and accurate advice on environmental planning for land use and development.

Spalding Associates: Winners of the Network Rail Environmental Award 2005
Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd have worked with Cleartrack Salcey-Evl Ltd to implement a comprehensive environmental management programme to protect and enhance the lineside environment whilst ensuring the efficient and cost-effective management of the lineside vegetation. With our detailed mapping facility and up-to-date database, we can ensure that there are no costly and unforeseen delays whilst facilitating detailed management timetables which allow the contractor to reduce long-term management costs. Spalding Associates demonstrated the success of this work at Roade Cutting on the West Coast Main Line in our submission to Network Rail’s Environmental Awards 2005. We were pleased to win the prestigious contractor category by setting the benchmark against which other management systems can be measured.

Adrian Spalding receiving the Environmental Award at Somerset House in London from the Chairman and Chief Executive of Network Rail 8th March 2005