Celebrating 21 years delivering clear, impartial and accurate advice on environmental planning for land use and development.
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal & Habitat Survey
Spalding Associates have over 20 years’ experience in undertaking habitat assessments including Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEAs), Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey, Phase 1 Habitat survey and National Vegetation Classification (NVC).
Spalding Associates are able to undertake habitat and vegetation survey using the widely recognised Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, also referred to as Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey, for your project. We can also undertake the Phase 2 surveys that may be required as a result of this initial assessment.
Contact us for a free quotation or for further advice.
A PEA involves a thorough walkover survey of a site by a suitably qualified ecologist in order to classify and assess the habitats that are instantly recognisable in a wide range of contexts. An assessment of the potential for protected species to be present is also made during the walkover survey before further recommendations may need to be provided.
The proximity of your site to a statutory or non-statutory site of nature conservation importance will also need to be taken into account during this assessment. This is because the potential impact of the proposed development on a nature conservation site and on protected species will need to be fully assessed as part of the planning process, in line with legislation and planning policy.
Spalding Associates are also experienced in National Vegetation Classification survey and mapping and we have carried out NVC assessments for a range of clients throughout the UK.